Publication: Digital Cookbook Series

Digital Transformation Cookbook Series

Digitalisation is highly relevant in our private and business lives, and it is better to face up to the changes it drives. Setting aside the sociological, cultural and macroeconomic changes driven by digitalisation in our societies, our focus here is on the microeconomic impacts on our businesses. It is probably the biggest upheaval for society and the economy in this century.

Altogether, Modelling for Digital, Managing for Digital, and Digital in Action assist you in shaping, planning, and executing a comprehensive transformation of the status quo (and you should not settle for less). It will accompany you and your business in meeting this challenge, to open up opportunities unthinkable even just a couple of years ago. It provides the context and best practices for such initiatives from a variety of industries, businesses and viewpoints, strategic, functional, operational, technical and executional.

It was a hell of a ride, but finally, we finished the reboot of the Digital Transformation Cookbook.